Post a Pic Of Your Most Eccentric Action Figure!

Palisades Indy Kermit Is the best I could come up with.While not terribly eccentric ,compared to all my other ,somewhat normal figures ,he certainly is.I got this In a trade with Brother Midnight a while back  and I still haven't managed to find a spot for him anywhere In my collection.Needless to say ,Adventure Kermit Isn't doing much adventuring these days  as he spends most of his time cooped   up In his packaging.Still,he's gotta be one of the most unique figures I own.


  1. Very cool. Love how you were able to get Gonzo to stay in Kermit's hand.

  2. Thanks Fuji.It took some balancing but In the end,worked out ;)

  3. New challenge for Round Robin has been posted! Have fun!


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