
My very first memories of Zombies date back to Night of the Living Dead.I was In my teens when I  first saw It re-aired on TV ,and It didn't really scare me.I remember It being pretty intense but nothing that really scared the crap out of me.It wasn't until Resident Evil that I would start giving Zombies the respect they damn well deserved.This game released In 1996 ,well before the  Walking Dead  craze and the influx of Zombie films that would be released In the 2,000's.Not that Resident Evil started the trend,but It got the ball rolling for our generation ,kind of like how Night of the Living Dead got It going for kids In the 60's.I remember watching an interview with the creator of Walking Dead and not once did he mention Resident Evil as It being one of his inspirations.I'm sure he played the shit out of that game and gained at least some inspiration from It.

Resident Evil on the PS1 filled that  post Jason Vorhees,Bubba Sawyer,Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger  void  In me that had been empty for way too long.Horror flicks after those guys just didn't appeal to me.This game,to me,was the next generation of  horror.One that I could literally be a part of so to speak.I'll never forget walking down that first floor hallway for the first time and jumping when those two zombafied doberman's crashed through the windows. Or that first face to face encounter with the zombie that was hunched over a body,hungrily helping itself to some tasty human  innards.This game  scared me.In a way that no movie ever scared me before.So there you have It.Resident Evil on the Sony PlayStation .My favorite Zombie experience ever and quite possibly my favorite gaming  experience,period.Check out some other Zombie themed posts right here

The Toy Box   loves Zombie related products and

Bro Midnight  has probably stolen someones thunder with his Zombie themed post ;)


  1. Funny thing , I played the first Resident Evil game like 10 minutes and then never touched it again. It felt supper slow and the controls where blocky. But Code Veronica on the Dreamcast I plaid the crap out of.

    1. Oh my gosh are you kidding me,Brother?!?That game kicked lots of ass!I loved it!

  2. Replies
    1. This one is is my second copy.I have yet to play through it again but can't wait too!

  3. Its hilarious, for some reason Resident Evil and other video game zombie games/movies never scared me during my fear of zombies era lol.

  4. My first intro into the RE series was RE2 in good old Raccoon City. I watched my friend play it for PS1 in my teen years. I later bought a ported N64 copy, it scared the crap out of me and I loved it! It was like being in a zombie movie. I later purchased the RE1 remake for GameCube (which is excellent, highly recommend), as well as RE:CV, RE3, & RE4. I haven't played beyond 4 and probably never will. I have seen the 2 animated movies though. I don't care for te live action movies at all.

  5. Haven't played any of the video games, but loved the Resident Evil movies. So much creativity and a unique look at the "undead" world.

  6. Haven't played any of the video games, but loved the Resident Evil movies. So much creativity and a unique look at the "undead" world.

    1. You know,had I not played the game,I would have thought the films were passable.But after playing the source material ,the films were a let down for me.

  7. I too skipped the games but love the movies. Looking forward to the new one coming out soon!

    1. Maybe this new film will do the original game some justice.


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