Are You Scared?

Nightmares scare the shit out of me.I don't know about you guys and your bad dreams but mine seem to be written and directed by  Stephen King.The only thing Is that they don't feel like a movie.They feel like the real thing.To the point where when I wake up and realize that I'm still lying safely  In my bed,I let out  a big sigh of relief.I've had Jason Vorhees  dreams and as a kid I had a nightmare with Juggernaut.Yes ,a life size Juggernaut  was In my room and he was giving me this mean,clenched teeth stare and  It scared the fruit of the looms off me.Every once In a while I'll have an end of the world dream .I'm  talking meteor showers,news anchors giving us the countdown to when we should expect the big  bright flash ,the whole nine yards.Pretty crazy stuff.So yeah,nightmares scare me,alot!

"You may say I'm a chicken,but I'm not the only one..."

Mr. Smith keeps It real......

Bro Midnight would prefer to stay grounded...

and Alexis should make It a point to never watch the film Arachnophobia!


  1. My worst nightmares are the ones with a lot of elements that don't fit together, but are vivid enough to seem real.

    1. It's incredible the things ones mind conjures up while in a sleep state.

  2. My worst nightmares are the ones with a lot of elements that don't fit together, but are vivid enough to seem real.

  3. Nightmares disturb me, but at the same time I find them interesting. Sleep paralysis really freaks me out though!

    1. I'v had those too Mase.In them I try to call for help but when I open my mouth nothing comes out!

  4. Since I've had kids I dream that they are falling out of my bed and I wake up in a panic trying to catch them! Sucks!


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