What's Inside of Package #1

It's hard to express what this figure means to me.It's not because I loved this line as a kid,heck I didn't even know who they were when I got them for Christmas back In  1984.At that time I was an avid watcher of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.I think my mom had caught on because soon after we made a trip down to the local public market where she let me pick out an action figure.I believe I chose Fisto. That Christmas ,there was a huge box under the tree with my name on it.It turns out the box was filled with He-Man MOTU.......no....It wasn't He-Man at all.There was a guy with wings on his head and a cape.Some  native american  looking dude and a bunch of monster hybrid warriors.What I received that Christmas was a box filled with Remco Lost World of Warlord and Warrior Beasts.Ouch!My parents must have thought they were MOTU figures.I liked them,but knew they weren't anything I had seen on TV.There was no Lost World of Warlord cartoon and I knew nothing about the comics,so I hadn't yet been brainwashed into loving them.They must have made some kind of impression on me ,though,because It's a day I'll never forget. Even though they weren't the most popular figures,the fact that I had so many to play with that Christmas night was pretty awesome.

So,finally I have a small but most memorable piece of my childhood back on my toy shelf!Of the bunch I got that Christmas,ARAK was my favorite.He gave off a cool tribal vibe and came with some cool weapons.I was able to find one in excellent condition and almost complete!In the wild these figures are often missing there weapons and soft goods accessories.He's just an amazing figure ,imo. I've had this on my want list since day one.   

Cobra Khan doesn't stand a chance. ARAK's gonna make snake boots out of em'!

If you ask me,the Remco figures have better sculpts than vintage MOTU .They definitely  had a better point of balance.  


  1. ah man that guy is so cool ! I never find these remco figures anymore :/ and most of the time on ebay they have that ouch price range.

  2. Exactly,Brother.That's why It took me so long for me to finally add one to my collection.This was one figure I knew that I was gonna have to shell out a little extra for,and I did,somewhat.Luckily my baseball card stash has allowed me to make a couple extra bucks to afford the pricier figures on my want list.

    1. Ha yeah Iv been selling dvds off as of late .I was able to easily pull around 400 dvds I knew would never be watched again and didn't see them as being collectible in any way.With that money I went right to game stop lol.

  3. I never had these, but I did have the Webb and Buzzard which were based on Archie comics' heroes I believe and might have also been by Remco. Those are on my list as is Warlord just because him and the rest would look great with either my Buzz-off figure (the only vintage i currently have) or my dc comics characters since that line is based on the dc characters. Happy you found a figure that means so much to you :)

    1. Thanks Alexis.I remember Webb ,Buzzard and most notably the Fox from the Mighty Crusaders line.As a kid I always thought that The Fox figure was from Voltron. Funny how I can appreciate Remco so much more now than when I was a kid.

  4. Congrats! I saw these in stores originally. I knew of the Warlord comic...I didn´t want them though for some reason. I love when we get things on our want list.

  5. You've probably seen how many times I've talked about wanting to pick this figure up,Matt. I never sought them out as a kid but the memories this particular figure has attached to it Is what warranted the pick up. That ,and he really Is a great looking figure!


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