The Perfect Action Figure?

I don't consider myself to be a super collector.I don't purchase waves of figures at a time.Heck,I only average about one carded action figure a month.But that's not because I don't like them,In fact I love carded figures.Nothing compares to the sound of a  crackling clam shell ripping apart form the card back.Nothing comes close to the smell of plastic chemicals emitting from your action figure once In hand and nothing Is cooler than a brand new ,tightly jointed G.I. Joe fresh out of the packaging!The lack of Joe product out there has a lot to do with my lack of enthusiasm for anything that's out on the shelves right now.It ain't so,If It ain't Joe.I just made that up and I'm not entirely sure If It makes any sense but It sounded cool and rolled off the tongue nicely.But ,yeah,every now and again I'll get this urge to crack open a G.I. Joe figure.I don't get that urge with other figures.Only G.I. Joe.The great articulation,web gear,accessories (not counting the stuff the figure is already equipped with In the packaging) ,figure stands and character file cards make them ,IMO,the funnest action figures to open.Dare I say,the perfect action figures!Might I recommend characters like Snake Eyes,Storm Shadow,Firefly,Zartan and pretty much any arctic themed figure.These guys  will give you the most bang for your buck as they usually come stacked with accessories!As you can see,I went with the 30th Ann. Renegades Firefly figure.

The seller packaged this so nicely and the card back was so mint and crispy that I had reservations about opening It.That lasted about a second.

Now this Is how you package an action figure.Not only do you add some kick ass accessories on the side but you also  arm the figure within for all to see inside the packaging.Throw In an action figure advertisement /poster  and a personalized display stand and you've got the total package!Granted ,this Firefly figure Is far from being the definitive version as there are way more out there that supersede it.But to me,G.I. Joes  In general,when you take the card art ,presentation and Hasbro's overall delivery Into consideration,you'd be hard pressed to find a worthy opponent.

I'm pretty sure I've equipped this gun upside down

From L to R -Retaliation Firefly,Renegades Firefly,Rise of Cobra Gunship pilot  Firefly


  1. I love GI Joe .When it comes to photo shoots outside nothing beats Gi Joe but I had to give up on collecting them . I found the the GI Joe collectors community is just ravenous and seem to have very deep pockets meaning that for me with nearly empty pockets its difficult to get many of the cooler modern figures. I still buy what I find in the wild but as for shopping on ebay I had to move on.

  2. I agree Brother.It seems like they are content with their collectors club and sporadic crappy movie releases.The average price of a carded figure on ebay is about 20 bucks.Crazy!Especially when they retail at about 8 bucks a piece.I got lucky when I found this Firefly for 11 bucks free shipping.

  3. You're right, there are few sounds that are as satisfying as clamshell pulling away from cardboard.

  4. "smell of plastic chemicals emitting from your action figure"

    I feel the same way about baseball cards from the 90's... right out of the packs.

  5. Hard to argue. Great figure and I love the accessories, poster and stand. You rarely see that. Fun post .Thanks.

    1. Thanks Bulldog👍And your right.Its the right way IMO to package an action figure.


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